Below are notes from one of CO2 traders to members of its staff. The message is clear, even with little energy but with the right attitude - a small company can have a huge impact.
Dear colleagues,
As a company we are promoting energy efficiency as a way to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. In last year’s Christmas present we also gave our best customer tips and tricks how to reduce energy consumption at home (see below). However, I notice that we don’t observe these tips and tricks at our offices. As it is customary to have always good intentions in a new year, here are our ‘voluntary’ energy efficiency measures:
Electronic equipment consumes about 75% (!) of the electricity when it is not used. The computer is one of them. It is very easy to save energy. In control panel -> power options adjust as follows:
· Turn off monitor: after 10 mins
· System standby: after 30 mins
· System hibernates: after 2 hours
Are you going for lunch or to a meeting? Then put the computer in standby mode manually.
Desktop computers
Desktop computers, including the monitor, a docking station or a UPS, consume electricity even when they are switched off. You would be surprised how much electricity is consumed in the evenings, nights and weekends. Therefore use a power strip that includes a switch. Switch off the power strip after leaving the office. If you have a UPS, first switch of the UPS, and then the power strip.
Also here a power strip with switch should be used to power this equipment. The last one leaving the office should simple switch off all this equipment. Of course a fax machine should remain on the power.
Other equipment
Walk around the office and look for other equipment or adapters. Is it really necessary that this equipment is on electricity 8760 hours a year? Can it not be connected to the same power strip as used for the printer/modem/router?
Using electricity to heat rooms is a crime to the environment! When it is too cold in the room buy a small table ventilator and direct it to the convector. This will increase heat exchange and does the trick.
Office managers: hang a reminder at the office exit so that the last person will indeed switch off the remaining equipment. Energy efficiency is all about making it part of your daily routine. Be assured that I will personally perform unannounced on the spot checks.
Having said this I would like to which everybody a happy new year. Attached you find some of my favourite pictures of our countries of operations. As you can see, not everything in life is perfect. Enjoy your holidays!
Best regards,

Energy saving lamp pays in less than a year
Dear client,
Through large scale projects we are working to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Today, our company is managing a portfolio of 20 projects with a reduction potential of 35 million tCO2e. This reduction potential equals the average annual emissions of 3 million EU citizens.
But do you know how easy it is to reduce your personal carbon foot print?
Buy energy saving bulbs
Replace your traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy saving bulbs. You save 80% on your electricity consumption for lighting and reduce your CO2 emissions with the same amount! For the economists among us: the cost of an energy saving bulb is about six euro and the payback time is less than one year.

Switching off the power instead of stand by saves you 75%
Switch off electronic equipment after use (*)
Much of the domestic electricity is consumed by electronic equipment that is not used, even when they are in the stand-by mode. Examples are your PC, the printer, a VCR recorder, the internet modem or your mobile phone charger. The easiest thing to do is to switch them off after leaving your office or going to sleep. Take out the plug or, easier, put the equipment on a power strip with a switch. On average you save 75% on the electricity used by home electronics!
To get you started with your own ‘mini-JI project’ we present you with an energy saving bulb and one power strip with switch. Good luck in reducing your carbon foot print!
(*) “In the average home, 75% of the electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off”.
For more tips go to Home Office and Home Electronics.
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