Saturday, December 06th, 2008 | Author: andriy
A new The Economist's Technology Quarterly is out now with many interesting articles on various modern energy initiatives:
- Monitor : Fresher cookers : Technology and development: The humble cooking stove is being overhauled around the world with the help of “user focused” design
- Monitor : How green is your network? : Environment: Telecoms firms are reducing the power consumption of their networks, for economic and environmental reasons
- Monitor : Green iron : Environment: Treating industrial wastewater with scrap iron can be a cheap and effective way to reduce pollution from factories
- Monitor : And the winners were... : Innovation awards: Our annual prizes recognise successful innovators in eight categories. Here are this year’s winners
- Rational consumer : Small is beautiful : Computing: Netbooks are small computers that are cheaper and lighter than full-scale laptops. They have their merits—but do not ask too much of them
- Space solar power : Let the sun shine in : Energy: Satellites that beam solar power to earth have often appeared in science fiction. Will they ever become reality?
- Case history : Wind of change : Energy: Wind power has established itself as an important source of renewable energy in the past three decades. The basic idea is ancient, but its modern incarnation adds many new high-tech twists
- Clean technology : Masdar plan : Energy: Wind power has established itself as an important source of renewable energy in the past three decades. The basic idea is ancient, but its modern incarnation adds many new high-tech twists
- The Economist : Business : Nuclear energy : Power struggle : Will France continue to lead the global revival of nuclear power?
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